Muslin cloth

Muslin cloths are an indispensable accessory for any family with children. Muslin cloths have many uses, such as sun protection, burp cloths, changing mats, comfort cloths, and more. You should never skimp on muslin cloths - see our entire selection here.

Muslin cloths are essential

Muslin cloths are crucial if you're expecting a baby or already have a little one at home. They will be your new best friend, and you will use a lot of them every single day. Probably many more than you initially expect. One tip from us: you can never have too many muslin cloths. In our range, you will find them in pink, white, blue, and green shades with patterns including monkeys and hot air balloons. These various muslin cloths come in different sizes, including:
  • 25x30 cm
  • 50x70 cm
  • 70x70 cm

Muslin cloths for all daily tasks

A muslin cloth can be used for numerous daily tasks, including some you might not have anticipated.
At the changing area, they are excellent as a base layer when changing your baby's nappy. If there's an accident, big or small, they can quickly be thrown in the wash and replaced with a clean one. It's also handy to have one on hand if your baby pees while you're changing their nappy. Using a muslin cloth helps keep your changing mat clean, as the cloth protects it from messes.

A muslin cloth is super practical during feeding time - for both infants and slightly older children. If you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, it can be used to support your baby, ensuring they are comfortable. It can also be used as a privacy screen when you have guests or are out and about. You'll appreciate having a muslin cloth over your shoulder when your baby needs to burp. If your child is eating solid food, muslin cloths can also serve as a bib and to clean their hands and mouth during and after meals. If you have a baby who often spits up, or if you're particularly careful with your belongings, you can place a muslin cloth under your baby's head when they are lying down to play, babble, or relax. This helps protect the surface they are lying on.

If you use a muslin cloth daily for these situations, you'll need a few extras. As a new mother, keeping up with laundry can be challenging, so we always recommend being well-prepared. Most experts suggest investing in 30-50 muslin cloths, and this is sound advice.

Your Baby's Favourite Comfort Item

Throughout your baby's life, they'll usually become attached to a specific item they cannot live without. For some, it's a certain teddy bear, and for others, it's a comfort blanket. Many children find comfort in a comfort blanket when sleeping, relaxing, or visiting new places. Children who love their comfort blanket often find it soothing to have it next to their head when they sleep. And even during waking hours, they often hold onto it.

In our selection, you'll find a lovely comfort blanket from the popular brand Müsli. This beautiful comfort blanket comes in two different designs, either ochre or curry. The comfort blanket is practical, with a small, charming teething ring shaped like a bird fastened in one corner. It also has small knots in each corner, making it easy for your child to grip. Are you looking for more items for your child? Explore our entire range here.