Kapok duvets and pillows

Kapok is a truly unique and groundbreaking natural product for duvets and pillows, offering you a wonderful night's sleep with its remarkable features. Kapok duvets are light and airy, with features such as breathability and moisture transport. A kapok duvet is also perfect as a baby duvet and junior duvet.
Discover more about kapok at the bottom of the page.

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What is Kapok?

Kapok is a natural fibre sourced from a very tall tree, known as the Ceiba Pentandra (Kapok tree), which thrives in tropical regions. These trees grow fruits or pods, where the fibres are found inside. The fruits are harvested manually by local communities during the dry season. Afterwards, the pods are sun-dried, and the kapok fibres are extracted and sorted. The short, fine, and airy fibres are utilised for duvets and pillows. The long fibres, which are more delicate, are used in items like mattresses.
Kapok fibre, filled with hollow spaces and consisting of 80% air, explains its excellent insulation and breathability.

By investing in a sustainable product such as kapok, not only do you benefit from a duvet or pillow that is immensely luxurious, but you also support local communities who rely on harvesting these kapok fruits. Moreover, this practice helps preserve parts of the rainforest in these regions.

Kapok duvet

A kapok duvet can be best described as exceptionally airy and light, completely natural, and brimming with beneficial qualities. Natural properties like breathability, temperature regulation, and antibacterial features contribute to a dry, pleasant, and comfortable sleeping environment. These duvets are vegan, as they contain no materials derived from animals. Kapok duvets are frequently likened to silk duvets due to their fibres being as silky as those of silk. The significant difference is that kapok is entirely natural, originating from a tree. A kapok duvet shares many similarities and feels exceptionally luxurious and soft.

Kapok pillow

A pillow filled with kapok has numerous beneficial qualities, both as a filling and in terms of construction. A kapok pillow is lightweight and airy, designed to support the neck and body during sleep. Like kapok duvets, a kapok pillow is imbued with all its natural properties. Besides support, it also enhances the comfort element of your sleeping environment. A kapok pillow offers high breathability, temperature regulation, and can draw moisture away from the neck and head.

Kapok for children

If you are keen for your child to grow up surrounded by natural products that won't impact their development, investing in kapok is a wise choice. Kapok is one of the most natural materials available, particularly in duvets and pillows. Its unique properties prevent house dust mites from thriving.
For this reason, a kapok duvet is highly recommended for children. Furthermore, these features contribute remarkably to a positive sleeping environment. You can confidently let your child sleep with a kapok duvet and/or kapok pillow.